Mission 2018 in Guimarães & Matosinhos

Samriddhi Sarkar (a research scholar in NIT Durgapur, jointly supervised by Prof Animesh Dutta and Prof. Mariana Curado Malta) was welcomed by Prof. Ana Alice Baptista in the Algoritmi Center (University of Minho) in Guimarães between the 14th October to the 8th November 2018.  She had the opportunity to discuss her research work with the students of UMinho that helped her to get better insights into her research work. On 31st October 2018, she delivered a presentation at University of Minho, Azurém Campus on “Coalition formation in the multi-agent system”.

She was welcomed by Prof. Mariana Curado Malta in CEOS.PP (ISCAP-IPP) in Matosinhos between the 9th November to 11th December 2018. During her stay, she met Prof. Deolinda Meira at ISCAP to discuss the players of unorganised sectors. She also met Miguel Malta, who is currently working with The Government of Angola, in Angola to discuss the conditions of smallholder farmers in the developing countries. On the 5th December, she delivered a presentation on “Coalition formation of the smallholder farmers.” in CEOS.PP.

She had the opportunity to visit a few megaliths in Oliveria de Frades, with Prof. Mariana Curado Malta and her student of the Master in Information Sciences of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto. She also did the “Passadiços do Paiva” with some friends of Prof Mariana Curado Malta. Finally, she engaged in other social gatherings during her stay in Matosinhos, which gave her a perspective of the Portuguese culture and tradition.